About Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada

We at Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and believe it’s good for all of our citizens to be armed. If we don’t exercise our right to bear arms, we could lose that right and many more.

Dan Blackstone, founder of Blackstone Gun Safety (in Oregon) and Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada, began shooting as a boy and has never stopped. He volunteered for the United States Army, serving almost 4 years during the Vietnam Era. He received an honorable discharge and commendations. As Dan has continued to shoot, he’s realized that safety and responsibility are the most important parts of owning and carrying a firearm.

Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada is here to assist you in obtaining the education necessary to obtain your Nevada CCW, the Arizona Concealed Weapons permit and the Oregon CHL.

Many people would like to carry a gun, but are not comfortable with a handgun. We offer live fire one-on-one shooting classes.  This class is designed for the beginner or the person that’s been away from it for a while.

Classes are being added as need and demand dictates. We attempt to keep our website up to date, however, the demand for classes and information is moving at a rapid pace, so if you don’t see a class that you’re looking for please feel free to give us a call or send an email to check.

Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada Instructors: Dan Blackstone; NRA & Utah Certified Instructor – Nancy Blackstone; NRA & Utah Certified Instructor