Welcome to Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada

Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada was founded to help people learn about firearms, increase their proficiency and/or obtain their concealed carry permit.  We are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and believe that an armed society is a polite society.

NEW ... Learn how to defend yourself in a gun fight. Come to our 2-Day Defensive Handgun Class.

Firearm safety is our number one priority and the basis of that is knowledge.  Our classes cover the basics of handguns, cleaning, ammunition, handling and the safety rules as well as the concealed carry laws.

Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada teaches one class that exceeds the minimum state requirements for Nevada, Arizona, and Oregon.  Our class is taught in Pahrump, Nevada. We live in Pahrump and we teach in Pahrump. The Nevada CCW is good in about 35 states. We will go over what the other licenses cover in class.

At Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada, we also do live fire training for those new to shooting or who would like a refresher.  If you are interested in some one-on-one live fire training just give us a call or send us an email and we will see what works for your schedule as well as ours. We can also do your Nevada CCW renewals or your HR218 on the same day as the all day class when needed.

Blackstone Gun Safety Nevada

Like our Facebook page to keep up with what we are doing and when.  This is where you will see any specials we have going. – facebook.com/BGSnv. Another way to keep up with what we are doing is to sign up for our newsletter. Please read about the classes and the state requirements and choose the one that works best for you.  We are happy to answer any questions you may have, so feel free to contact us.

LarsLars Larson is a conservative talk show host in Portland, Oregon, where (BGS) was founded. Hear what Lars Larson says about Blackstone Gun Safety in Oregon